New Book "Black Day of the Army, April 6, 1865, The Battle of Sailor's Creek"
SCV member Greg Eanes' new book, Black Day of the Army, April 6, 1865: The Battles of Sailor's Creek, is now available for purchase at a special rate for SCV members.
The 228-page work is dedicated to the events of April 6, 1865. It includes photos, original maps and annexes that include the text of Joseph B. Kershaw's complete seven-page letter detailing the battle as well as the text of the draft of General William Mahone's post-war letter to Longstreet. Also included is a photo-copy of Major Campbell Brown's post-war sketch map of the battlefield depicting General Richard Ewell's place of capture.
The work is dedicated to the Sons of Confederate veterans and their colleagues in the Sons of Union Veterans.
Regular suggested ( retail is 16.95 but SCV members may purchase the book for 10.00 plus postage and handling (3.00 regular or 4.50 priority mail). Those interested in purchasing the book should send a check or money order for 13.00 or 14.50, respectively to Sailor's Creek c/o Greg Eanes, 105 Guy Ave, Crewe, Va 23930.
Camps wishing bulk purchases of 50, 75 or 100 may obtain them at .50 per copy plus delivery costs.